Jones Cove Update
On May 6, 2023, 96 more trees were cleared, bringing the total of our 2 events there to 166 saved trees!
Thanks for everyone for their hard work!
We Received A Citation From the Mayor

… and that’s a good thing to get!
Mayor Gavin Buckley and Alderman Rob Savage (Ward 7), presented Save Our Trees with a citation at the April 24th, 2024 City Council meeting. We are thrilled to receive this acknowledgement on behalf of all of the volunteers who have stepped up to clear ivy from over 1300 trees! Thank you to our hardworking volunteers and members of the city and county governments who have done so much to enable us to save these trees.
Listen to our Podcast!
Big news! We did our first podcast! Susan, Terri, and Nina (3 of our co-founders) spoke with John Franaye, publisher of Eye on Annapolis, at 49 West to tell him – and you – the full story of how Save Our Trees was formed, our mission, and how its going! You don’t want to miss it.
Keeping History Alive at St. Anne’s Cemetery
On April 9, 2023, 23 volunteers saved 72 trees!

Broadneck Park Ivy Clearing
The February 11, 2023 Broadneck Park Ivy Clearing with AAC Weed Warriors saved 129 trees!
“I want to give a shout-out to the volunteers that showed up today at our first event outside the Annapolis area. Broadneck Park benefitted from the initiation of an ivy-clearing event from Volunteer Brian Gugerty. Through his efforts, Save Our Trees teamed up with the Anne Arundel County Weed Warrior program, lead Warrior Loretta Jorden, Park Ranger Terri, and 39 volunteers. Brian did such a great job getting the work out in the Arnold and Severna Park area. We had 25 brand-new recruits and WE SAVED 129 TREES IN 2 HOURS!”
Terri McKenna, Save Our Trees Event Leader
Annapolis GreenScape 2023
Save Our Trees Helped Kickoff Annapolis GreenScape 2023 at February 8th Meeting!
Marissa Wittlinger (left) of Annapolis Recreation & Parks, kicked off the 31st Anniversary of GreenScape. This year it is scheduled for Saturday, April 22, 2023.
GreenScape is a City and community partnership investment of beautification, clean-up, and planting in public spaces throughout the City. For over 3 decades, hundreds of projects have been initiated and adopted by individuals, community groups, and neighborhood associations.
Save Our Trees’ Terri McKenna and Nina Fisher, (middle and right), presented why it is so important to rid invasive vines, especially English Ivy, from trees. They instructed everyone on how to properly clear English Ivy from trees. And, as you can see, shared some dramatic photos and serious tools to use in the process!
For more information about GreenScape | Annapolis, MD

More Trees Saved at Truxtun Park!
Another successful ivy clearing event at Truxtun Park in Annapolis on January 14, 2023. Twenty-one volunteers of all ages saved 21 trees in our beautiful park!

Jones Cove Update, December 4, 2022
We had our most productive event December 4, 2022 at Jones Cove in Eastport, saving more than 69 trees from ivy. We had over 20 volunteers tackling some of the biggest vines we have seen since we started on this journey.
Jones Cove is an important ecological asset in Annapolis, and is an easement managed by the Annapolis Conservancy. We will be holding future events at this location so stay tuned for updates!

Watch us in action at Truxtun Park on July 16, 2022
You will see and understand the English ivy problem and learn how to properly remove it from your trees.