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About Us


Our Vision

Communities Filled with Healthy Canopy Trees

Trees that | Cleanse our air | Lower temperatures | Slow stormwater erosion | Absorb pollutants, improving water quality in our streams and Bay

Who We Are

We are a group of citizens, neighbors, and friends who have come together to address the significant problem of English ivy and other invasive vines destroying our mature canopy trees.

Our Mission

Our mission is to have immediate and long-term impacts on the removal of ivy and other invasive vines in Annapolis and Anne Arundel County.

What We Do

man cutting ivy from tree

We Act

We have undertaken an ambitious campaign to remove ivy in the most imperiled areas by hosting volunteer ivy-clearing events. Our initial goal was to save 500 trees by the end of 2022. Goal achieved! We then accelerated our efforts to set a new goal of 1000 trees by the end of our first year (April 2023). Another goal achieved!

Aiming even higher, we were determined to reach 5000 trees by the end of our second year of active vine removal (June 2024). With the ongoing development of many events and partnerships, we have now exceeded our 2-year goal! Our model of spreading the word through action and education is working as more and more volunteers and communities are taking what they learn from SOT back home.

We Educate

Our events spread the word so that more homeowners understand why English ivy poses such a threat and can take action on their own.

Amplifying awareness of the ivy problem and expanding the effort are crucial. We are ramping up efforts to solicit and educate individuals who are willing to oversee ivy removal on their own properties, a street, a block or a neighborhood. This citizen engagement is a cornerstone of our efforts.

We are happy to come to speak to your community about the invasive vine problem and what needs to be done. We will teach you how to hold an event and work alongside you during that event to ensure that everyone is comfortable with the process and committed to the ongoing work that is necessary.

Community input is crucial. We need to know where English ivy poses a particularly severe risk, especially where it endangers very large canopy trees. We will put the compromised tract on a list of areas that require attention and help you find the resources to address the issue. You can use the contact form to let us know.

We are now working with three high schools—Annapolis, Broadneck and Southern—to educate the next generation of environmental stewards about the problem with invasive vines in particular, and invasive plants and animals in general.

Community input is crucial. We need to know where English ivy poses a particularly severe risk and we will put the compromised tract on a list of areas that require attention. You can use the contact form to let us know.

volunteers cutting ivy from tree
sign and ribbons around trees

statehouse dome

We Advocate

It’s not enough to clear the ivy. We have to stop it from getting planted to begin with. Advocating for legislative changes to prevent the sale of ivy and other invasives through nurseries is our third area of focus.

We are currently working with key City of Annapolis representatives to help them achieve their stated canopy tree goal of 50% by 2036.

We also coordinate with other environmental and government groups that are trying to manage invasive infestations, so we can all work together to save our trees.

SOT Founders

Nina Fisher

Nina has a Masters in Environmental Sciences, worked as a science writer and editor, and is a Watershed Steward. She has also served on boards of several area environmental non-profits.

Mary Ann Marbury

Mary Ann has a BA in Economics and was a partner in a firm in the construction bond industry. Now retired, she is committed to the health of the City of Annapolis and the Anne Arundel County watershed. Mary Ann is a Watershed Steward and a member of the Annapolis Environmental Commission. 

Terri McKenna

Terri worked for 34 years at a global accounting and consulting firm and recently retired to spend more time in the woods. She is an active member of the Friends of Quiet Waters and serves on its Environmental Committee.  

Susan Wheatley

Susan is Co-Founder of Just Show Up, a local networking group, which is in its 13th year. She is also a past Volunteer Team Leader of the Annapolis Film Festival. She now turns her energy to engaging citizens in the effort of saving trees in their communities.

Ginger Woolridge

Ginger co-authored “Essential Native Trees and Shrubs for the Eastern United States” and has a BS in Landscape Architecture.